Shout by James

Scoob! 2020

A good movie ruined by lame pop culture references and political agendas.

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@elicx The toxic masculinity comment and Velma being made latina were especially annoying.

@filmtoaster political agendas ahaha
Oh boy if one-line joke with one-line of of dialogue made the movie political. Than I'm really curious to see what you guys consider agendas free movies.

@gloom8 To me that line was actually making fun of the term 'toxic masculinity' as a throw away comment. To actually get offended by that is hilarious.

@maybebrendon I'm not offended by it at all, but it did feel extremely out of place. Rest of the movie is good though.

@gloom8 Concerning "agenda free": :rofl:

@gloom8 we can overlook the toxic masculinity """"joke"""", but what about the Velma raceswap and please hollywood allways try to insert political BS to their products.

@axonrlp the comment could have been along the line of "games/cartoons makes you violent" and it would have been the same """"joke"""".
Can you remind me what races and nationalities each of those characters were again? Cause my knowledge of this particular franchise is limited. I also don't live in US so race issue is a bit vague. For me, Mexican is just nationality, but for you guys it's whole different race? Like If she said that she is French or German instead of Mexican would make no difference to me. What the issue here?

Yes and no. Any opinion is inherently political, yes. But in reality is hard to count movies that don't go against the grain as having political agendas. Like movie that has anti-war message is technically political (let's take "1917" as example) but at the same time how many people changed their views because of that movie? Not many if anyone at all, because majority agreed with the message long before seeing "1917".

Political movie should actively try change views of the audience on issue in order to be consider political in the first place, in my opinion. A movie came out, in US, in 1994 and said that: "same-sex marriage should be legal" - oh yeah it's political agenda. The same movie coming out today has zero political agendas cause the message being reality for half a decade.

TL;DR Scoob! Doesn't have a political agenda in my opinion. Shocking, I know.

@filmtoaster Well now a Velma show that sounds dumb is coming. Where she is Asian and it only has her. Doesn’t even sound like a mystery.
