Review by 43543875

Logan 2017


Review by 43543875

I have watched this a few times and although a good movie in its own right, but seems like the opposite to all of the other movies where they overcome and win in the end, although its really a spinoff that does not make much sense compared to the rest of the movies.

To me it just feels so lame after all the other X-Men movies and kinda shits all over wolverine as a character, it also makes no real sense as we are supposed to believe that all the X-Men are gone and xavier is retarded now and somehow no one could prevent this even though there are X-Men that can see the future for example and also could just send wolverine back in time again to solve all problems like they did in future past or find a way to heal xavier, also the stupid, they are putting stuff in the food that hurts mutants, omg well i will just keep eating this crap and not for example grow my own which is hardly going to be something the X-Men could not manage to do lol.

I understand they just wanted to kill off logan so hugh jackman could finish playing wolverine but it just seems so stupid to do it like that, it would have been a much better movie had they managed to save wolverine at the end with another shot of that serum and he would have took the place of xavier as the leader of the X-Men.

So overall not a big fan of the writing in this one and it just seems kinda boring most of the way through.

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