Review by Lineage

The Rookie 2018

Where to begin? Well, first off, I think this show is entertaining and I don't think that will ever change, no matter how much others dislike it or aspects about it and gradually disliking it more and more. There are technical discrepancies when it comes to certain things when compared with real life, I'm sure. But I think some people are overly harsh when it comes to them. There are also other aspects not solely related to how the technicalities are done that I've seen people dwell on, and honestly, I don't even notice them. There comes a point where constantly dwelling on things like that is just out of an egotistical mindset that those things are this unbearable issue, and they're not. I'd go as far as to say that some may start doing it out of spite. At this point, some people must be looking for anything, any little, inconsequential detail to complain about. The show is meant to entertain, and for me, it does just that. If that's not the case for you, I imagine it's because you're choosing to dwell on meaningless details to where that's all you care about and can focus on, and you can't let yourself be entertained as a subsequent offshoot of that. You'd be best off if you quit watching the show if you're one of those people, and there's no need to continue watching the show. For me, this show isn't this wonderful, like-none-other show or anything like that. The fact is, it can be uninteresting for me at times, or some parts of an episode. Regardless of that, I enjoy watching it. The concept is entertaining, and by that, I mean that it's a police procedural. Not all of them are entertaining, but this one is. Take that however you'd like.

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