Review by Kevin Social

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018

Well, I was very sceptical in watching this film as I know a lot of people weren't happy with the casting and also the development of this film wasn't great behind the scenes as it got stuck in hell for a while. But I can confirm that this is a really fun film and its a pretty great origin story, in my opinion, I urge everyone to give this film a chance as even the casting, in my opinion, Alden Ehrenreich is a pretty good actor and he nails the role of Han Solo as this takes place a while before A New Hope and I believe that this is a young Han Solo.

But I would be disrespectful if I didn't mention the rest of the cast, Donald Glover and Woody Harrelson are awesome in this film and they both give great performances with Donald Glover being the perfect casting for Lando, also I need to mention that this film is actually a pretty good Heist film as well. Ignore what everyone is saying and form your own opinion on this movie as I believe people were very harsh on this film, it is super fun and the story will keep you engaged the entire time.

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