Shout by Bayandur Pogosyan

Chernobyl 2019

If only it were not about a real accident, real radiation, I would have rated it much higher.

Here's the problem: Chernobyl is visually as close to a perfect representation of late 1980s USSR and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident as anything.

Except it blows the scale of the accident itself out of proportion, presents urban legends and the unfounded fear of irradiated people being radioactive as fact and even outright lies about the number of victims in the epilogue. And the vodka? In the middle of "sukhoy zakon", the Soviet version of prohibition?

It feels like it tries to respect the victims and heroes of the tragedy, but then, it sacrifices a lot of its credibility.

Don't get me wrong, if we take out its claim to be a docudrama, Chernobyl is a good, even if scientifically inaccurate, work of fiction.

But as docudramas go, it's 5 out of 10.

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@songoffall Thank you!!! Right on about how much is lost because this is at the end of the day a real event.

@songoffall The problem with deviating from the facts of a historical event is that the film / series has a tendency to become the fact for some people. My case in point would be the film Braveheart. 90% total bollocks that many people believe to be facts ... and there you have history changed by TV.

@shrimpboatsteve yep, people think of police as police from cop shows, fbi as fbi from fbi shows, cia, farmers, lawyers, politicians, on and on and on.

tv is the real world for the majority of people. nuclear on the other hand is quite literally the safest form of energy in the world. again, literally. this propaganda is doing a real disservice to nuclear energy.
