Easily the best episode of S2 so far. Unpopular opinion but I feel like this is the first time I see Elizabeth written in such a way that makes her unbelievably human and sympathetic. Absolutely loved it.

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Oh I agree with you entirely! The scenes showing Elizabeth interacting with Jackie Kennedy were very insightful and showed depths and vulnerabilities in both of the most iconic female political leaders of our time. I also enjoyed the contrast between the two. Although they were both very private women, and neither really enjoyed the public attention which came with their positions in life, Elizabeth managed to embrace the obligation without seeming like a lost baby deer. Jackie on the other hand didn’t cope with it nearly so well. Elizabeth was raised to revere and honour duty, whereas Jackie married into power, unprepared for what would come with it. Also, both had philandering jerks with humongous egos for husbands. The difference was that Elizabeth ranked above Philip (a double edged sword) and arguably had much more control than Jackie - simply in terms of the fact that she was a born sovereign and Philip’s title was gained by marrying her. The Kennedys however were Americans, elected leaders (not born leaders), and their position as world leaders has a time limit.
