Good buildup for the season finale later this year. Still sucks we have to wait that long for the finale.
I like Princess, very nice to have a lighter character added to the show again. She's wacky, I like it. Most of the times when characters are added they're either traumatized to the point of always being angry, murderous or the opposite; sad/weak-ish. Princess is bold, fun and with a nice sense of humor.
Ryan Hurst has once again captured my heart, I mean... after last week; when we saw Beta from an almost softer more humane side to this week when he's really lost it. I kind of don't want him to die anymore. I know Beta has his end coming and unlike Negan, there is no way the group will take him in or he will let himself be taken in; he'll die for sure... but I love to see this character unfold. I wouldn't mind a Beta centered episode. I want to know more about him.

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