Review by narwhalcoco

Locke & Key 2020

Let me quote a Google audience review:

"I'm only about half way through the fifth episode but I'm so frustrated. I read through some of the other comments and I'm glad I'm not the only one pulling their hair out over the stupid decisions some of the characters make, especially Kinsey. Don't get me wrong it's an incredibly interesting concept and the some of the effects are super cool but certain aspects have me banging my head against the wall. There's a bunch of discoveries that are forgotten like the ghost key or characters that seem important but disappear for multiple episodes such as Ellie or the great great grandfather. Ellie made some kind of huge discovery where she yelled for Lucas into the well but then she's just gone. And the dad's just dead so they have a sad backstory and unanswered questions.
The mother is scarily detached from her kids' life and lets her youngest son who seems to be in grade school stay alone in a mansion by himself, even though he shows repeated concerning behavior talking about a lady in the well and whispering. I know her character is supposed to be a grieving mother who was never good at parenting but they just made her useless and pitiful. I'm seriously curious as to why we follow her story even though she seems kind of unimportant and neglectful.
And don't even get me started on Kinsey. She was already very rude from the beginning but she was traumatized and grieving so it wasn't that weird. But then she literally kills her ability to feel fear??? Like she's in high school she should know it's a vital feeling in order to survive!! After that her character just becomes painful to watch, she straight tells her mother that she's bad at parenting and she should just stick to painting and house renovations because "that's what you're good at" and she sees absolutely nothing wrong with that until she finds out her mom was in her life more that she thought she was. It's purely downhill from there, she then shows the guy she likes the keys which is a stupid thing to do you, don't just start showing people magic! He's freaked at first but then afterwards is totally chill about it?? She then abuses the music box key to absolutely humiliate this one girl, who, sure was mean, but she took it way to far! And then Gabe joined in on it and he was totally fine with the fact that she was using magic??? All the girl did was say that Scot was mediocre, and they made her humiliate herself in front of the school. Kinsey isn't cute or quirky and is far from the yeah new confidence you go girl! She became an awful character to watch and main characters with bad personalities makes it hard to cheer them on. I'm sure it was to show the addicting power to abuse the keys but still!
There are moments when the acting is a little lack luster, like most of it is totally fine but then it's just these odd few second scenes where the actors are just weird and 100% unnatural. Also the Well lady straight up killed two people for like literally no reason?? And we're just fine with that? If she's into killing why doesn't she use her power to threaten Bode into giving her the keys? And Kinsey and Tyler keep going back and forth from super close and buddy buddy to I hate you and at each others throats.
Hopefully the show gets better!"

- Marissa Hebert

Unfortunately, as Marissa likely discovers, it does not get better.

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