Shout by Horror future #7

House of Sand and Fog 2003

i have mixed feelings about this movie.First of all i will talk about what i didn't like that much.Directing was nothing special it could be way better for sure as much as cinematography..It was too "simple" in every way which is not bad but it could be better for sure.Also there is a scene (I don't want to spoil anything) which is way too silly and useless i think they destroyed big part from this movie and is sad.

Now i want to talk about the good part which is perfomances and specially from godness Jennifer Connelly.I believe she owed the decade 1995-2005 with her powerfull perfomances and her oustanding beauty.If it wasn't her maybe i could rate it lower than 7 but she is 70% of this movie.And the whole idea is good also but it wasn't that good as time went by. 7.0/10 deserves your watch.

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