This episode was significantly harder to get through than many of the previous episodes and in many ways, feels like a temporary step back for a series that is beginning to blossom. A great deal of this episode, particularly the dinner party bored me and I don't think the character of Justin (played by Justin Theroux) necessarily helps this episode. I had completely forgotten that Theroux was in this show and while I love him elsewhere in David Lynch's work, I guess my complete lapse in memory of his character here in Parks and Rec is proof that I've never found him very charismatic or interesting. It's just unfortunate that he is Leslie's next boyfriend after the tremendously entertaining relationship with Louis CK's Dave.

Yet a fair deal of this episode does start to work for me oddly enough once the dinner party commences. The April/Andy stuff here is again gold and the chemistry between the two is simply undeniable and magical at this point. Leslie becoming obsessed with making her party interesting for Justin and the lengths she goes to during the party are amusing (such as having her entire party guests being quiet until Justin arrives so as not to starve up possible avenues of conversation) and the deposition at the end of the episode is hilarious. We get a truly great Ron Swanson moment where he sits in on the deposition and proceeds to answer each question asked to him with a question of his own. The fact that Leslie turned herself in is such a perfect encapsulation of her character and the moral standards she sets for herself.

Unfortunately, this episode takes a little too long to get going for me but when it does, it's solid P&R.

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