Shout by zombiebxxk

Locke & Key 2020

If you have never read the comics this show is decently entertaining with a very interesting world and magic system. But it has some of the dumbest character decisions and writing you have ever seen on TV. And the acting for the most part is just average (and the Mom IMO was even pretty bad).

If however you have read the comics and like me are a fan of them this show is a complete trainwreck. It just feels like a extremly dumbed down (was that last scene really necessary?), PG-13 CW-like show with insanely stupid characters (seriously what the fuck were some of those decisions?). I mean this is supposed to be a horror show but nothing in it says that. Not creepy atmosphere, nothing.

If you're expecting a good horror show based on the comics you are going to be immensely disappointed because this is just a basic teen drama and not even a good one at that.

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