Boiling water is a thing in this universe right? I mean at least show that they tried to be prepared for some sort of contamination/malfunction it just wasn't enough this time around. But drinking raw water just because it has "drinkable" on it?! I hate when WD does stupid plot point thing that my brain can't stop thinking about. Btw, does Aaron lives in the woods now that he couldn't tell anyone about the water or did he just didn't put two and two together?
Something just felt off with Siddiq's storyline and the whole thing with Dante... not a fan.

But overall I still love this season for allowing characters to move the plot for once in this tv show. And it finally feels like characters have a life of they own even when we don't follow their storyline.

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@gloom8 Right. You'd think after 8-9(?) years things would be common sense but guess it is not for some plot lines.
