Shout by Dann Michalski

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016

A true prequel to the original Star Wars, Rogue One is a thrilling sci-fi adventure that tells the story behind the Rebel’s first victory. When a defecting Imperial pilot with important information about a new weapon called the Death Star is captured by a fringe resistance fighter named Saw Gerrera the Rebels seek out one of his former followers in order to find Gerrera and get the information from the pilot. The cast is fairly strong and delivers some good performances; particularly Alan Tudyk, who does an excellent job voicing the droid K-2SO (giving him a fun sardonic personality). And, director Gareth Edwards does an impressive job at filming the action and capturing the scope of the battle sequences. Additionally, the special effects are extraordinarily well-done and allow for a surprising cameo. However, the score by Michael Giacchino is rather weak and the two lead characters aren’t that charismatic. Yet overall, Rogue One is an exciting and action-packed film that bridges the two Star Wars trilogies.

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