So they make a short season, hint that it might take 2 years until we see the next one (all those owned social media accounts asking if one can really expect a season each year...) and then they end on a cliffhanger.
As far as I can remember modern Doctor Who has never ended a season on a cliffhanger - it simply was good enough so that people would tune back in on their own.
Sad how it has fallen.

Well, at least the cliffhanger should get resolved in the special in about 10 months.

To the episode itself:
Just being a timelord has been good enough for several decades. Why discredit "The time of the Doctor"?

Why did the Timelords need to be convinced if the Doctor already had infinite regenerations?
And why would he make the face after sucking the vortex coming out of the crack in?

This would have made a great story for the end of Matts Doctor, at this point it doesn't.

It also feels like: "You don't like our stories, so we'll show you how big of a story we can tell".

Oh and to top it all off, their media writes pseudo-independant stories on how this does not break canon.

I liked the pacing and the Episode is a nice one in itself, but for Doctor Who this is a 4- for breaking canon and all the other mistakes being made @Undonejack laid them out pretty well in his review already, so I won't list all of it again here.

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@player8472 Perhaps The Doctor was given a regeneration limit like everyone else once they became "The Doctor", or possibly, the existing Time Lords simply had no knowledge of the Timeless Child since it was wiped from the Matrix.

@morphinapg So the adoptive mother didn't limit herself to countlessly murdering her child to become immortal herself but also ends her existence prematurely by artificially imposing a regeneration limit not being there in the first place.

If that was true I would need to be even more harsh and make my rating a 1/10 as NOTHING about this got explored or explained.

Right now the "mother" is a mad scientist who for all we know kidnapped the Doctor eons ago.

There is stuff which can happen off-screen because we know how it is done and then there is stuff that should NEVER happen off-screen.

Truth of the matter is: This Episode was made to fit a woke agenda and 700k people in the UK turning their TV off for Doctor Who and turning it on again afterwards (just google it) are what they get for destroying the canon for fake wokeness (Neither the parade of diverse "Doctors" nor the adoptive mother got any lines.

Thinking about how shitty that is, I'll change my rating to 2/10 with only the generals and masters acting performance (Not speaking about the lines, but their acting with what they were given was great) as well as a few good SFX saving it from a 1/10.

I'm not sure if I'll watch Season 13 - If its just Jaz and the Doctor I probably won't (I wouldn't if it was just two men either for that matter).
The last two seasons katapulted Doctor Who from my favourite active Sci-Fi show to something I just watch because I always watched it...

@player8472 They basically said that the only one who wouldn't have that limit is The Doctor

@morphinapg Actually they said the "descendants" got the limit.

Which means everyone born after they discovered how to implement it into their DNA.
They also hinted that people in "the Division" (another concept which makes no sense - if they had this "Division", why did they sent the Doctor to destroy the Daleks before they could become a danger?!? - that was back when Doctor Who was in B/W) probably don't have the limit or get the lost regenerations added (it would be impossible not getting people asking questions when peoples regenerations are less than they should be...)

@player8472 Ask yourself this, why wouldn't The Master just ask Tecteun herself about all this? She's no longer around, and likely, nobody is that knows about this history. He had to specifically uncover it from hidden files.
