Review by filmtoaster

Insidious: The Last Key 2018

This is the definition of a crowd-pleaser horror movie, and it seems Blumhouse loves to churn those out. The biggest problem with this movie for me is it's obvious blandness and average quality. It's almost like the script is aware that it's using such a tired scenario, so they almost make fun of it at times. That doesn't mean it's a parody of itself, but it seems the cast knew what they were doing, and purposely wrote certain lines and shot scenes in some manners that are deliberately light in tone. I didn't expect to be this much comic-relief, but the audience I was with was laughing about the same amount of time as they were screaming. Which leads me into my argument, that this movie is only worth watching if you're seeing it with an enthusiastic crowd. Go opening weekend late at night when it's packed, it's hilarious. My theater was so loud, I was just enjoying myself at the reactions. But that's all this movie has going for it, besides a couple decent scenes and soundtrack. Don't watch it alone in your room, that's not what it's made for. Watch with friends or with a crowd or don't bother. Not the best way to start January, but this could've been way worse. Just painfully average.

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