Shout by Wesley


In the first movie the father gave "Hiccup" a helmet and said "it was one of your mothers' breast plates. I have the other one" then points to his own helmet. Now at this stage the movie tricked us into believing the mother was also a beast of a human like the dad and probably a force to be reckoned with when looking at the size of those helmets...


Then came the sequel... I was like "WTF, did she fill the rest up with sheep wool or something?" Seriously I faced palmed so bad when the mother was lacking worse than a 14 year old girl before becoming a woman. Maybe he was living in denial?

It might be nitpicking, but it bothered me throughout the WHOLE movie.

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Reply by Deleted

That's...that's not a plot hole, that's called you being extraordinarily, bizarrely pedantic.
