Every time the Doctor and/or the Master were on screen: awesome. 10/10. Iconic. Legendary. Sacha Dhawan is unhinged in the best possible way (very Gollum-like, actually), and I could not love Jodie more if I tried. The reveal of the Timeless Child was maybe predictable, but still really good and I love that we didn't get all the answers (like how many regenerations the Doctor's had or where she originally came from). I have something to wonder about until the next season. Overall, great stuff.

Every time the companions were on screen: fucking boring. Also, someone tell the writers that Graham praising Yaz for her bravery or whatever does not count as actually giving her a personality. Also also, not one of them gave the Doctor a hug while she was literally going to sacrifice herself for them so they're all cancelled.

And how about that ending? Really fun cliffhanger. Although I do hate the fact that apparently anything can get into the Tardis now.

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@aniela-krajewska 100% agree with what you say about the companions, everytime they came on I just wanted to get straight back the Doctor and the Master, the companion scenes really killed the flow of this episode, which sucks cause everything else about this episode is fantastic. Also loving Dhawan, he better return

@aniela-krajewska "Also, someone tell the writers that Graham praising Yaz for her bravery or whatever does not count as actually giving her a personality." Amen!
