It's so frustrating as there's a brilliant story underneath all the massive logical issues in the script. Cybermen don't breathe, how are the humans breathing on a Cyber War Carrier? How did they manage to make a gazillion-to-one shot into that hole which miraculously was the same size as their ship? Why didn't the Doctor & co go to the TARDIS instead to doing the whole journey in a Cybership, which probably ought to have fought back, it is a *Cyber*ship after all? It's increasingly evident that no-one is employed to check the scripts before they go to shoot these days.

(also those hilarious 'Cyberdrones', how many people did that concept go through? No one thought 'well, this is clearly ridiculous looking'?)

Orphan 55 aside, the first episodes of this series were decent to great. It's such a shame the quality took a nosedive after the excellent Fugitive of the Judoon.

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