Okay, just a couple episodes to go! Let's do the review of the first half of the two part finale of Doctor Who Series 12. Not much happened, but I liked the episode. I'm glad the Cybermen are back!

We follow the story thread form last week's episode: the Lone Cyberman's coming for the Doctor and the Fam, during the Cyber Wars. I loved all the new looks for the warrior class Cybermen, kind of a mix from the Classic-era look and the modern look from the Russell T. Davies era. Apart from the episode's ending, nothing that big happened. I liked the little callbacks to previous Cybermen stories and how threatening they feel. Graham and Yaz were wonderful, their characters are being developed and they now feel like a functional part of the TARDIS team. Yaz is confident and she's turning into a leader. Graham is becoming a more hopeful and optimistic lad, and they do feel as if they were family. Ryan is getting there, I think. But he's still the person in distress. They helped the human refugees escape, because life matters.

There are still a bunch of stuff to tie in. Like that other story from the episode… who is that Branden dude? Is he the Lone Cyberman? Where is Captain Jack? Why is Gallifrey at the other side of the portal? How (and why) did the Master escape from where he was? I'm excited!

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