Review by Justin

Logan 2017


Review by Justin

Now this is my kind of comic book movie. Starts off ultra grim, violent, pessimistic, and gore filled and... well it doesn't really ever stop being that.

Patrick Stewart's run at playing Professor X in his final years of his life, suffering from dementia was wonderfully portrayed, and the revelation that he was the one that killed the X Men and the mutants in the end was stunning and heart breaking and about the bleakest end to that story I could even imagine.

Logan is broken and what I thought was alcoholism killing him, was actually his adamantium implants, degrading his bone over time as his control over them is lessened and his injuries heal slower by the day.

His new-found daughter, Lauren, is a great new character, showing an absolute viciousness and lack of moral compass out in the real world, with all of Logan's unbridled rage, with even more killing capability. Apparently they want to do a movie about her and I'm down for it. I don't care about the rest of her stupid little friends doing some kids X Men thing (though I heard thats exactly what they want to do, as the X Men spin-off, X Force) but if they manage to keep it dark, despite it being a bunch of kids, it could actually be surprisingly good.

Logan being both saved by his own genes (his final acceptance of familial love) and killed by his own genes (by X-24) is the ultimate send off to one of the most iconic characters in both comic and film history and they really need to let him stay dead for a long while before the inevitable re-cast. Hugh Jackman is synonymous with the role for anyone who has seen him play it.

Logan may be too dark for the usual MCU audience, but its a well done emotional story about accepting one's own choices and was a perfect ending to the character.

Overall I'd put it at top 5 comic book inspired movie ever. Sin City is #1. The first 2 Nolan Batman movies are 2 and 3. Then this immediately after those. Maybe that's just me, but I adored this movie. I might even be under-rating it in terms of score but, 8.

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