@finfan That was a nice episode, what I like about these first series (TOS, TNG and VOY) is that humanity is very advanced with their technology (comparing to our present), but the most important achievement is to be able to give hope to other civilizations while trying to be kind to all of them, despite some friction between species. Humanity has respect and is patient towards aliens (even if they are not to us).

I usually hope to see aliens different from us. No need to see complicated make-up. A small detail is fine, just like Spock's pointy ears or Bajorans' extra wrinkles noses. Maybe we all have the same ancestors, so we just have minor differences.

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@andreas1138 Your assesment is spot on. It was always the concept of Star Trek that humanity has overcome their petty problems and show that there might be a future worth living for. Althought even in Star Trek it became very bad before it became better.
It is at times difficult to find answers without spoilers but let me just say you are very perceptive and observant.
