Review by Dann Michalski

Death of a Nation 2018

Once again Dinesh D’Souza exposes the nefarious past of the Democratic Party in Death of a Nation. Beginning with an examination of the left’s reaction to the election of President Donald Trump and it’s accusations of fascism, D’Souza looks at what true fascism is by studying the regimes of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, as well as discussing FDR’s and other American progressives’ admiration of European fascism and their attempts to incorporate it into the New Deal policies to get America out of the Great Depression. He also discusses how Andrew Jackson’s forced relocation of American Indians and the South’s “One-Drop” laws that discriminated against blacks influenced how the Nazis went about creating the legal framework to strip away the rights of Jews. The historical re-creation scenes are kind of low-budget, and some of the connections and assertions that the film makes are rather tenuous and generalistic; but that’s somewhat to be expected given the complexity and enormity of the topics. Still, the interviews with historians and other experts are incredibly fascinating and bring to light a lot of interesting information. While it’s not exactly subtle (or completely fair) Death of a Nation is a compelling documentary that reveals the hypocrisy of the left.

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