Shout by Slevanas

Locke & Key 2020

All I could muster is nearly 6 episodes couldn't finish the sixth one because of how horrible the show is. Okay so going into spoilers

The dumbass daughter was so selfish she nearly killed her friends over a fucking door. Now yeah it's probably more important than the movie because of magic. But you went there to help them with a movie. The way she acted was the final straw in the coffin for me.

And the villain is straight up Once Upon A Time or CW level shit tier. If you were to get a clip of her and one of the Locke kids interactions. It could literally be something from Once Upon A Time and I would believe it. She is such a generic and cliche villain and might I add the actress is a terrible actor too. The scene where she meets the kid in the graveyard is the scene that sold it for me on bad acting. Maybe it gets better who knows, but I could not watch anymore of this dumb show.

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