Shout by Marc Friedolin

The Morning Show 2019

Ok, I'm stopping to watch this 5 episodes in.

It shows fabulously how #metoo works. Listen to the women and people who support whatever the claim is. Don't let the alleged perpetrator even get a word in, if he forces one in: Don't listen and if you have to, at least don't believe anything he is saying.

He will probably be guilty at the end, since this is a show.

At the same time the makers accuse men of misogyny they convert a show having a female and a male perspective into a female-only show - not seeing that this is just as sexist as if they converted it into a male-only show.

Call me old fashioned, but I still believe in innocent until proven guilty, which is the opposite of what this show seems to be about.

I'll still give it a 4/10, since the acting is exceptionally good - sad it had to be wasted on this.

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@player8472 The reality of the #metoo #blm #lgbqt+ #cancel movements are what they are, liked or not, and this series debates about them while avoiding to be too politically. Any high profile tv show on mainstream media, and the company behind would suffer the immediate wrath of the public opinion and be “cancelled”.

@player8472 That's a very ignorant take.

"At the same time the makers accuse men of misogyny they convert a show having a female and a male perspective into a female-only show - not seeing that this is just as sexist as if they converted it into a male-only show."

This is literally the reality already, there's no need to reverse it.
