Shout by Marc Friedolin

Locke & Key 2020

Quite enjoyable.

Writing is decent for the most part (some unrealistic plot-devices like police immediately closing a door upon arrival on the crime scene without taking pictures or anything), actors are convincing.

Story is actually quite interesting.

The only thing which really doesn't make sense is that the Demon can take the keys from anyone but the Lockes. What makes them special? Did I miss the explanation for that one?

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@player8472 I haven't finished the show yet, but from what I understood so far, the Lockes are the true owners of the keys? That's what makes the family special.

@player8472 You didn't miss it. They didn't completely explain the origin of the locks. Supposedly, the key house was an ancestral home of Locke's and they are just passed down through generations I suppose.

May be they will explain it in the second season.

@player8472 it's because the lockes are the original creators of the keys

@player8472 I think there will be more in depth origin story, creators/protectores of keys, demons..will there be more than just demons...I love it
