Shout by drqshadow

Grosse Pointe Blank 1997

Much funnier than I'd remembered, this twisting tale of competing hitmen and their uncharacteristically jovial attempts to rid the world of one other also finds the time to address the loss of innocence, the reflections of a milestone high school reunion and the baggage of leading a necessarily isolated lifestyle.

John Cusack is fantastic as the acidic, sarcastic prodigal son, returning to his home town on business while also giving serious thought to abandoning his violent ways for good. Great supporting work helps that role to flower even further, especially in the forms of his grinning, kill-happy competition, (a joyously nasty dark turn by Dan Aykroyd) the jilted love interest he left high and dry ten years back (Minnie Driver at her most smokin') and his flippant, hard-nosed assistant (Joan Cusack).

One of the greatest soundtracks ever, plus work on the original score by former Clash frontman Joe Strummer, takes this whole package over the top. Strongly recommended.

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