Shout by drqshadow

In Bruges 2008

Billed as a black comedy, this story of two stir-crazy Irish hitmen on the lam in Belgium could just as easily fall into any one of a dozen other genres. With traces of humor, suspense, romance, action and drama all stirred into the same bubbling pot, the risk is certainly there for overexertion, but the finished product doesn't fall short in any instance. The comedy is sharply witty and well-timed, the action fast-paced and fiery, the romance heartfelt but not heavy.

Colin Farrell, whose eyebrows migrate around his forehead like a pair of pitch black caterpillars on acid, works a good range of emotions out of his fairly simple leading role and cleanly manages to get us rooting for him by the time the closing scenes roll around. Upon reflection, there really isn't all that much to the story - it's predictable at worst, minimal at best - but there doesn't need to be. A perfectly efficient, enjoyable, versatile little slice of the wild life.

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