Review by drqshadow

Thor: The Dark World 2013

Continuing the second phase of Marvel's cinematic onslaught, begun several months prior with Iron Man 3, Thor's encore solo performance is a markedly stronger, more focused effort than his first. Though Earth still factors into the mix, particularly in the clever, gripping climactic fight scene, there's no mistaking that this is Asgard's story and that clear emphasis, missing from the original, makes a big difference.

As a distinctly fantasy-laden epic, it also benefits from a fresh, authentic flavor that its stable-mates just can't match. There's more to see than smashed skyscrapers and flattened taxi cabs in Thor's world, and that brand of open possibility makes the realm an absolute delight to swallow up.

As visual feasts go, this is at or near the top of the pile - it's gorgeous, innovative and generally unlike anything else in modern cinema, a stuffed bagful of sensory treats. The acting, too, has taken a grand step up since our last trip across the rainbow bridge. Surprisingly, this time Natalie Portman comes across as a clunky third wheel: Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston provide the real intrigue, hammering home Thor's complicated relationship with his conniving adopted brother, Loki.

A fantastically imaginative flick, well-paced and triumphantly acted, that does something its precursor couldn't: whet my appetite for a sequel.

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