Review by drqshadow

The Ladykillers 2004

A largely-overlooked, forgotten later entry in the Coen brothers' catalog, though that might just be for a reason. At a glance, it's got all the hallmarks; a strong, curiously mixed cast; one wacky, dark-hinged plot; heaping portions of personality and charisma; tons of ambling, how-did-that-work dialog. But despite the familiar recipe, it never really comes together.

There's a decided lack of magnitude to things, as if we've spent the entire running time waiting for some sort of revelation - an air of quiet respite that never departs. It's at once wicked and silly, both Coen staples, but superficially so. I don't think I'd snicker nearly as often on a second viewing.

In some ways, it feels like an especially long SNL sendup of the auteurs' well-known idiosyncrasies. Tom Hanks certainly feels like he's playing a glaringly colorful caricature in the lead role, tackling an out-of-time southern gentleman as if he were Colonel Sanders. Supporting efforts from JK Simmons, Marlon Wayans and Tzi Ma are no less flamboyant, nor less frivolous.

At worst I'd call it gaudy, shallow and watery, though not irredeemably so. At best? A spicy little caper picture, speckled with immeasurable quirks, that's light and swift at heart.

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