Review by drqshadow

Hardcore Henry 2015

What this boils down to is pretty easy: a ruthlessly simple plot that merely exists to feed cool fight scenes. Of course, the main gimmick is the shooting style: we spend the duration in the first-person, experiencing the gunfights and tumult of a mute protagonist from a perspective just above the bridge of his nose. To my great surprise, the filmmakers are actually inventive and unorthodox enough to keep this from feeling stale. In fact, apart from the constant threat of motion sickness, it works marvelously. They're even able to play it for some great laughs, often conveying the action hero's frustrations and feelings in pantomime like a classic silent film.

Its dramatic chops are not a strength - in fact it seems to be a film entirely staffed by stuntmen, students and models - and it gravely struggles when the fireworks halt (albeit briefly) to further the story. The main foil is a particularly egregious example, akin to Tommy Wiseau playing Julian Assange with telekinetic powers. Theater really isn't what this is about, though, and if you were expecting Shakespeare you may want to undergo a thorough cranial exam. As a playground for pyrotechnics, special effects, parkour and crazily original fight scenes, it delivers in spades. You may feel guilty for enjoying this, but enjoy it you shall.

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