Shout by bondless

Truth Be Told 2019

Truth Be Told I wasn't expecting this show to work, and even though I'm not sure that it does actually work, it is really entertaining. For fans of Serial and true crime, this show scratches an itch that other fictional mystery shows have left irritated for years (based on Kathleen Barber's novel, Are You Sleeping by Kathleen Barber). The highlight of the show is the performances of Octavia Spencer, Aaron Paul, and Lizzy Caplan which pull the viewer into a moderately interesting story and world. I'm not sure that I buy the storyline or some of the a-bit-too-easy plot twists, but I couldn't stop watching it. I certainly hope that Apple does the right thing and brings this back for another mini-series.

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@bondless Was the episodes too long for you?

@danij678 Huh? No, I think the episode lengths were fine.

@bondless I'm just asking because I felt the length of the episodes especially when you're binge-watching, so I'm wondering if anybody feels any different about the length of the episodes.

@danij678 I'm leaning the other direction. I don't think they gave it enough time to develop. Some of the plot twists seem to just appear out of thin air without much character development. I think they probably should have done another two episodes.

@bondless I think the problem is that episodes are dragged out, so there's not a lot happening in each episode which can cause the episodes to feel boring & not filled with twists and turns, so I think they should cut down the length because I didn't feel the excitement or suspense when I was binge-watching the show.
