Review by drqshadow

Black Panther 2018

After so many deeply interconnected chapters, it's relieving to see a film in the MCU that doesn't require much previous knowledge to enjoy. Referencing the preceding (and forthcoming) films in Marvel's repertoire only fleetingly, Black Panther is a largely self-contained, by-the-numbers superhero flick. Which works both for it and against it. In one respect, that enables the entire cast to establish themselves. Safe from the need to constantly pay homage to Tony Stark or Thanos, Panther's supporting players thrive and King T'Challa himself goes through a complete character arc. On the other hand, it often feels like we've been here before. Maybe not specifically, as the film goes to great lengths to set up Wakanda as a unique culture with authentic customs, but certainly thematically.

As a "back to basics" approach with well-timed, socially conscious values, it functions very well. Its flavor is like nothing else we've seen from Marvel so far - a bright, optimistic blend of tech and nature that really works - and the wide diversity of the on-screen population is both effective and appropriate.

A complete, enjoyable new entry in the publisher's stacked catalog of characters, and a short breath of fresh air, if not a complete breakthrough.

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