Shout by Dann Michalski

Battlestar Galactica

Season 1

One of the best seasons of television ever produced, Season 1 of Battlestar Galactica presented a revolutionary new vision of science-fiction. The show follows the ragtag Colonial feet as they struggle to survive on the run from a race of synthetic robots called Cylons who destroyed their homeworlds and are intent on wiping out humanity. Starring Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackhoff, James Callis, and Tricia Helfer, the cast is quite impressive and delivers some extraordinary performances. The storytelling is also incredibly well-done, constructing an over-arcing plot that’s told over 13 episodes; exemplifying the serial format. Avoiding the common tropes of the genre, the series does a remarkable job at staying character centric. And, creator Ronald Moore does an excellent job setting up a mythology and at bringing a sense of realism to the show. Additionally, there’s a significant spiritual aspect to the series and its exploration of humanity that’s rather unique and compelling. Provocative and edgy, Season 1 of Battlestar Galactica delivers a powerful space opera that’s full of action.

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