Do you remember The naked gun movies? Spy hard? Hot shots? How about Men in tights, or Spaceballs? Monty Python's Life of Brian? All of them are absurd humor comedies, a genre that encompasses many of the most hilarious movies / books / shows, including some occasional masterpieces, such as some of the Discworld books, or the unsurpassable The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the books - the movie was ok, but nowhere near Douglas Adams' brilliance).

Anyway... With Medical police, they went down the same path of absurd humor. Yay! But sadly, they only achieved the absurd part. The humor, not so much. They tried, but it didn't work, at least for me. Most episodes don't have more than a couple of laughs in them; some (such as the pilot), not even that.

It's still worth a watch... if you don't have anything else to do. The first season is only 4 hours long, and the episodes are short enough too. At least they got that right!

I found out afterwards that this is a spin-off of another show called Childrens Hospital, with all the same cast. I didn't watch it, but according to IMDb, it was much better and lasted for 7 seasons. I doubt there will be a second one of Medical police, though. The idea isn't bad, and the cast is pretty good, but they lack the most important thing you can ask of a comedy show: to be funny.

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