Shout by LNero

Inception 2010

Nutshell: A visually impressive spectacle with capable actors directed well, but without the depth or narrative honesty and intellectual effort required by the high concept premise.

Nonsarcastically, I give him full marks for night shots with a motif of "Black and Reflections".

I knew upon my initial (and last) viewing in the theater that I would have trouble making it through another viewing due to DiCaprio being the main character, and being a lying piece of shit trying to cover up his misdeeds, and being the entire reason for everyone being in danger the whole film, and this only coming out in the end of the film, not allowing for any outlet of frustration, let alone any apotheosis and the fact that the core premise of the conceit for the action is essentially "Hey, you know how this one thing would logically work this way, well it actually works THE OPPOSITE WAY!... Because... reasons."

Nolan's and his brother's later films really are what young boys and idiots find profound, but are indeed just pretentious, pseudointellectual, and narratively lazy.

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