Shout by Deleted

The Negan storyline is really starting to get going now. We got a good dose of the dynamic between him and Beta and I’m looking forward to his dynamic with Alpha, how he’ll integrate into the Whisperers and what his endgame is. I’m liking Eugene’s storyline as well, it seems like that could lead somewhere important. As for the sickness bug, I’m assuming that’s as a result of the water supply being infected (btw didn’t Aaron see this happen? Why hasn’t he said anything?) It doesn’t really need as much screen time as it’s getting, but it’s fine. The only stupid thread this episode really was the Carol and Daryl one, it is borderline incomprehensible what they’re doing, but like I said it’s like these writers can’t go one episode without incorporating some kind of idiocy into the episode. Nonetheless, probably the best of the season so far. 8/10

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