I didn't like it overall. It felt rushed and the scenario did a lot of shortcuts just for moving the plot forward. For example one asks: "How do you know something?" And the answer is "I have a feeling". There are so many plot holes and so little suspension of disbelieve. They tried to insert some false drama, for which no one cared so much. For example when in the end of "The Last jedi" Skywalker became one with the force while mirroring the scene of "A new hope" when Luke's journey started with the beautiful musical force theme playing, it was very touching. As Episode 4-6 are the movies of my childhood, the scene of the old dying Luke was very sad, because, I guess, the star wars story is a part of my life. I perceived my self as Luke probably and I thought that Luke will always be the young jedi who I've seen in the first movies. So when Luke died, it was kind of a reminder for my own ageing and mortality. In this movie I didn't have such notion. I was indifferent.

I liked the visuals a lot and the music was really great. Some of the music was variations of Knights of the old republic game soundtrack, which is marvelous. Unfortunately the presentation alone is not enough for making a great movie. Anyway, now it's over and hopefully we'll get something new and in a new direction as Rogue 1, which I liked very much.

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