Review by Theo Kallström

Die Hard 1988

The Five Faces of DIE HARD


There's no snow, Christmas trees or Santa, but Die Hard is the ultimate holiday Christmas action film classic.

Alan Rickman gives one of his greatest performances as the villainous and brutal Hans Gruber. It's a joy to watch him every time he's on screen.

Everything starts out slow and Christmas-sy, but there's always a sense of danger in the air. When the thrill ride starts it goes on until the end credits.

Bruce Willis is immediately iconic in his most famous role as the heroic, fearless and ruthless NYC cop John McClane. It's not a very deep performance, but suits Willis perfectly.

The entire team of baddies is unusually well-prepared and smart. The operation is expertly handled, which makes it even more amazing that one man can bring it all down.

The German henchmen are clumsy and stiff gorillas, but they make for formidable foes.

It's amazing how the film manages to keep the suspense high, whether it's baddies chasing John down corridors or Gruber giving orders to his henchmen.

Immensely quotable dialogue and several well-written action sequences, twists and turns make this one of the best written action films ever.

A majestic film score keeps up the suspense and perfectly captures the sense of danger.

A big part of the joy of watching this movie comes from hearing John furiously converse with other people via walkie-talkies.

You truly feel the anguish and suffering John goes through while trying to survive and stop the terrorists.

The ending is classic and one of the best in the genre.

The plot is simple, yet pulls the viewer in in an instant. It makes perfect sense and feels realistic. The quieter moments of touching contemplation are brilliant.

One huge tower is an amazing setting for an action film, since it's so contained and claustrophobic.


It's a clash between the powers of good and evil - two ruthless men against each other, both smart enough to be able to win.

There isn't a particularly huge female presence in this film, so luckily Bonnie Bedelia does a good job at keeping the flag high.

The supporting cast does s great job, but special nods should be given to Clarence Gilyard Jr. and Reginald VelJohnson. Both performances are delicious!

Die Hard is one of those films in which you don't know whether the good or the bad guys will win until the very end. It keeps you on the edge of the seat until the end credits.







The Final Face: :heart_eyes: // Fantastic

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@mrcoldstream Correction: There is a Santa (he was a mannequin first, then his suit went on a bad guy and went down in the elevator with "ho-ho-ho now I have a machine gun" and there is a Christmas tree on the lower level of the suite. Definitely a very non-traditional Christmas movie :).
