I bet Luther is a vampire too. He's just a different type than the other two types. One that remains dormant for some reason. One that's the rarest, strongest type out of the three, and he'll end up turning soon enough. Maybe in the finale, as a cliffhanger twist. And because Desmond is his son, that's why he's already looking healthy. He, too, is that type of vampire, whatever it is. That's what I think. Luther is the lead character in a show revolving around vampires and isn't a vampire himself. That alone practically makes it obvious he'll become one in the end, surely, right? It would be predictable, and that's why it has to happen.

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@legendaryfang56 I like your line of thought on this, and I agree, and that's what I'm hoping for.

@legendaryfang56 yeah, like the freaking super-smart and superior race. Because ... it always has to be about racial issues on TV and in a twisted way (oh gods I’m starting to hate this theory) we again would end up with white super race versus inferior black race. And if the show actually ends up there (despite me liking the idea of a super vampire of sorts) I may just end up puking. :joy:
