I love how a show that tries to explore the history of segregation of this group of marginalized creatures, the prejudice and injustices made by a monarchy, and the dynamic that can let to the solution of this systemic problems, ends with the offscreen genocide of part of these magical creatures and the collide of two (or more than two) worlds, putting aside the wishes of any individuals involved. It literally tells you that any progress that this society has made is accidental. Says a lot how easy the characters don’t care that the equivalent of what it’s a white supremacist escapes without any actual repercussions of her actions, the same with Moon who helped her, for what it was, well, an attempted genocide. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this show? It was already painful the non plot that it was suffering for half a season (something recurrent with this show), but this was just idiotic. Puts aside any good insight on this topics for terrible teenage antics (no that the first seasons did a great job, but at least they try) and makes one of the worst attempts of pandering to the audience that I’ve ever seen. Thank god, it ended.

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