Another great episode in this season. I know some people complain that there isn't enough action but I feel like the story doesn't always need the blood and gore to maintain a strong story, in fact, these in depth episodes make me bond with characters more and they make them more relatable. I think a lot of people (including myself) suspected that Dante wasn't a good guy. He appeared somewhat out of the blue in this season and they focused a lot on him, now finally we have confirmation and I gotta say, it makes him cooler in my opinion. At first he was just an annoying character that got too much screentime but now we know he is there for a reason. Poor Siddiq, I believe he could've gotten out of there alive if he had kept him cool, he didn't. I like that Dante felt somewhat bad for killing him. He kind of lulled him to sleep. I like that they went full circle with this episode. From 'open your eyes' to 'close your eyes'.
Even though I suspected Dante to be a whisperer spy, the clicking of the tongue followed by Siddiq's flashbacks still got to me. I actually think the way his story was told, the trauma, him dealing with it and his ultimate death was told very beautifully. tragic of course but again without the gore. They could have shown a lot there, with all the head chopping being done in that shed, but they didn't. Good choice.

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