Shout by PorterUk

The Apartment 1960

Billy Wilder sure could make a film!

Jack and Shirley are fantastic in their roles. Jack Lemmon played that slightly neurotic and quick-talking mensch better than just about anyone.

For such an old film, its brilliant dialogue means it has held up well. It's not as out and out funny as Some Like It Hot, Wilder's blockbuster from the year prior, but it's extremely sharp. It has great one-liners and a plot that's tighter than a drum.

It's more romantic than most modern day rom-coms because, well, it just has a lot of heart.

I'd recommend this any time someone says that old movies don't stand up against time. Black and white, set in 4 or 5 locations total, a long running time, and a plot that could be conceived as quite sexist nowadays - yet it's as good a film as the last Best Picture.


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