There's so much wrong with these 15 minutes I don't even know where to start.
For me it already started at the title sequence which immediately showed this would be humoristic. It didn't get any better after that.

It's quite infuriating that the legacy of this show and it's iconic character has been trampled and shat on by the bunch of incompetent hacks who now run and write for it. Nothing in this episode except the names and general look is Star Trek, not even the characters they "rebooted".

I don't think I've ever been this sad and angry at a tv-show since... ever (season 8 of GoT not included but that's DONE and finished and already ruined, Star Trek -among others- isn't) and this is only the first 15 minutes of the new season.

Someone close just told me I maybe should just stop watching this show... Stop watching Star Trek... I can't imagine it. It's coming... but should I allow it?

Should I allow these hacks to destroy the legacy of this show and many others. This modern age iconoclasm.

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@mansemat Yeah, dude, you should just stop watching :/
