Remember that episode a while back when Rick and the gang finally got their shit together and kicked ass in the prison?
Well this episode kinda redoes that but what was impressive then after all the seasons of idiocy falls flat for me.

And while Fear the Walking Dead seems to go the western route this seems to go from the Medieval Kingdom to a more Swashbuckling setting.

I don't really remember the Whisperers having a nuclear bomb but... why would anyone care? It's not like they could detonate it without destroying themselves.

Overall the episode seems to have been written by people just starting their writing career, it's full with awkward dialogues and talks about pretty mouths. Even Negan's dialogue seems nutered, stale and pretty much "try-hard".

Anyways... ready for another season hoping it'll be good.

PS One small deer can feed 200 people (sure I googled it too)? Gas isn't a problem unlike Fear the Walking Dead? What's with all the talk about pretty mouths and shit?

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@mansemat When they talk about a nuclear bomb, they’re just speaking symbolically about the Whisperers having a huge walker horde that might as well be a nuclear weapon in their world. Remember, Alpha showed the horde to Daryl to show him what they were up against, and it was massive.
