While it seems to have wasted a lot of Hemsworth's comedic gifts, this entry in the franchise is nowhere near as bad as the haters had prepared me to find it. Yes, it lacks a lot in terms of originality, but it is still plenty entertaining, and it's not as if this is the fourth outing in four years, or anything like that. And frankly, having now read a bit about its troubled production history (I avoid that stuff ahead of time so that outside considerations don't bias me before I've seen a movie), I'm VERY glad that the "social relevance" stuff was mostly removed. I watch movies like this in order to be entertained, not so that I can be subjected to yet another Hollywood preaching session on one topic or another. And if the preaching had been presented here the way that it usually is these days, I would have been dodging anvils left and right. So yeah, I'm glad that someone decided that escapist fun should be just that: escapist fun.

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