Review by Paladin5150

The Secret Life of Pets 2 2019


Review by Paladin5150
BlockedParent2019-09-25T06:24:12Z— updated 2019-09-27T04:36:05Z

IMO kind of a split decision, as I actually liked this one SLIGHTLY more than the first one, but, because they were trying to do THREE separate but related stories, each focusing on what they felt were the "most popular" characters from the original film, the segues don't always make sense or transition smoothly, making it feel like the narrative is jumping all over, rather than just continuing on in that particular story.

All the characters from the first movie are back, but, the main focus is on Max, Snowball, and Gidget, with the addition of Daisy, as a companion for Snowball in his part of the story, Rooster (voiced by Harrison Ford) in Max's story-line, and Gidget as she hangs out with Chloe, to learn "the way of the cat", when she has to infiltrate the apartment of a "cat lady" with a hoard of not so fluffy felines.

Max, who has eventually learned to love the new baby, and has become protective to the point of neurosis, unfortunately has also developed a rather itchy nervous tic, caused by his fear of something happening to the little rug rat. Once his humans decide to take a trip to the country to see a relative, he asks Chloe to look after his favorite toy while he is gone. AS she has a raging, but unrequited crush on him, it would be her honor, but, as chance (and the script) would have it, the toy (which she imagines is their love child) ends up in the abode of the cat lady and her hoard, thus the need to learn to act like a cat, to get the toy back.

The third story line involves Snowball, in his continuing super hero fever dream, being recruited by newcomer Daisy to save a young tiger she saw while on a plane, from the EVIL cruel circus owner. I realize that these days, it is considered "woke" to think of the circus, zoos and aquariums as BAD, but, here they venture into the ridiculous, as the owner is portrayed as Russian, wearing a black, fur trimmed Wizard of Oz. wicked witch costume, complete with pointy hat, along with a whip, which he uses to kowtow the Cub into doing a dangerous trick. They are successful in freeing the cub, but then, have to find somewhere to hide him from the bad, bad circus. Hilarity ensues.

Meanwhile, out on the farm, Max and Duke meet Rooster, the coolest dog on the planet, as he is a combination of the best parts of The Fonz and Indiana Jones, but he has no time for fools, or a neurotic city dog wearing the cone of shame. Yet, he sees that Max has some potential, if he could only find his inner canine. Adventure and hilarity ensues.

Back at the loft, young Padawan Gidget has learned the ways of the force, er, cat, form Obi wan Chloe, and goes on her mission to rescue Max's toy. Drama and hilarity ensues.

The evil circus owner has sent his guard wolves to track down the purloined Tiger, and in the process he also procures Daisy, whom he plans to shoot out of a cannon. Now, as all the players are back together, the dramatic rescue can begin. Carnage, chaos, and chicanery ensues, as well as the requisite happy ending(s).

Also, keep an eye out for the complete rehabilitation and subjugation of Kevin Hart, as his characters owner, dresses Snowball in drag, and, he looks in the mirror, and after a dramatic, pregnant pause, declares it to be....... AMAZING! I guess all is finally forgiven.

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