[8.0/10] I think this was the best of the season. The Nazi Stormtroopers vs. Indigenous Peoples conflict worked as an event to anchor the episode around, and the show wrung a surprising amount of humor out of it!

I like the fourth wall breaking (or at least fourth wall cracking) humor in this one, with Archer talking about montages and Pam magically being able to make crossbows and poison dart guns out of nowhere. I also really like Archer and company’s set of traps for the Nazis, with his excitement over “Chub Club” being a particular highlight.

The whole episode has a real Return of the Jedi energy, with the “rebels” for lack of a better term working with the locals to defeat a technologically superior force. Hell, we even have Cheryl in the C-3PO role! Her quickly taking to being dubbed a goddess, and the culmination of her quest for “oysters” was both gross and hilarious.

Still, I think my favorite part of the episode came from Mallory, whose devotion to drinking in even the hairiest of scrapes, with the meagerest of supplies, is a consistent laugh. The fact that the Germans shooting up her “only gourd” full of local booze turns her into the gun-shooting firebrand who takes out their mortar, only to immediately going back to obliviousness of the firefight around her is a superb bit.

I was also a big fan of Noah in this episode, whose cowardice, sheepishness, and general excitement about cognates and loan words in particular was uproariously funny. I was less amused by Cyril’s misadventures with his fellow cocaine-snorting German pals, but his attack made for some neat little combat scenes, and some good fodder for the setup and payoff of Archer’s traps.

Overall, there was a lot of excitement and good banter and fun humor in this one. Some nice classic Archer-ing.

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