Review by Mrtomtomman2000

Men in Black: International 2019

Men In Black International brought back memories nice spin on the movie especially with Molly Agent M.

This movie even though I would agree it is not good as the original classic Men In Black Movies with Will Smith as the lead protagonist in. This brought back the franchise with a lovely funny spin to it especially having Molly (Agent M) played by Tessa Thompson was just so refreshing as the men in black agency are normally able to neuralyze everyone that seen anything that is out of the ordinary, nevertheless they missed out Molly who they thought was asleep in her bedroom as a kid. Molly setting out to find this secret agency twenty years later she hacks into a satellite then finds them after everyone thinks she is delusional, which she follows the Men In Black back to the New York Headquarters where she waltzes in through the front door that I thought is hilarious. Having Chris Hemsworth as Agent H (Harry) is so funny as he is kind of your average joker does not care what everyone thinks that does do what he wants when he wants, compared to Molly Agent M played by Tessa Thompson really keeps everything serious and logical while having a laugh from time to time. The random flirtations between the two is just nice to see really does gives Molly Agent M taking control in these flirtations interactions as she is a strong independent woman that knows what she wants and she knows exactly what she is doing, then Agent H (Harry) is much more of a flirtier protagonist that just wings it into action than logically thinks about what he is doing like Molly Agent M does when jumping into any kind of action with danger in. Pawny is just great an Alien who is just as well a bit of a joker he is also very kind and loyal towards his friends especially Molly his queen as he calls her. This movie is great to watch I hope they bring more Men In Black movies in the future as it is starting to show more equality with feminism, which I love that Women can be powerful protagonists too in these films not just your typical damsel in distress. This gives more opportunities to actors where the stories can run wilder becoming less predictable with more of a Gen Z way of life projected across films.

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