[7.1/10] More of a mythos-heavy episode than a comedy- or character-heavy episode, which is less my speed, but has its charms. As Mrs. Bloom noted, this one felt a little like a Groening-ized version of Adventure Time. There’s nothing wrong with that, but with the show still nailing down its voice a bit, the results were a bit flat.

Still, it was a fine little adventure. The quest to find the mystical pendant made for a good plot motivator that, as the neat map cutaways showed us, took our heroes all around the realm. I don’t know how I feel about them bringing back Big Joe (whom I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of), but the various locales and characters Bean and company met along the way were enjoyable, and there were even some solid action scenes.

The show is still playing coy about the hooded figures working against Bean, and the lost civilizations and Knight Templar that the main trio encounters, and how the immortal guy Malthus knows who Bean is, but presumably we’ll get answers to those mysteries in time. In the meantime, this one is less of a straight comedy, but has some amusing enough bits along a more lore-focused ep.

Overall, this one comes off more like setting up the dramatic stakes of the world than a laugh riot, but has its neat, semi-improvisational D&D-esque encounters, and even a mildly deep riff on the pains of immortality.

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