[7.4/10] A fun, albeit semi-shaggy episode. I like that it follows up on the themes of the last episode, with Bean coming into her own a little bit and proving that she’s not just a “good-for-nothing” while also showing why her grumpy dad (who’s not exactly industrious and reliable himself) is right to be leery.

“Swamp and Circumstance” adds a new wrinkle to that -- the idea that Bean is insecure and feels a little displaced by the fact that her dad remarried and that her half-brother is now next in line. The show’s not subtle about that, but it adds some depth to Bean’s motivations, which I appreciate. At the same time, I like how this episode adds a little depth to the world, letting us know that Queen Oona came from a neighboring swamp kingdom called “Dankmyre” and that she and Zog’s holy matrimony was a political marriage to make peace between their people’s after a 100-year war over a canal. It’s the kind of background detail that gives Dreamland and its neighboring burgs a sense of place.

I also really like the fact that Bean turns out to be a damn good ambassador! (When she’s sober at least.) The role reversal of her being steady and gracious while having to stage manage her dad through the diplomatic ceremonies is a fun dynamic between the two of them. The gags centered around the 3 1/2 hour children's play is especially amusing on that front.

Things take kind of a turn from there, with Luci continuing to be the “Bad Idea Bear” of this show. He gets Bean drunk before her big speech, which leads to some predictable drunken clowning around, and the inevitable diplomatic incident.

What follows is a fun “escape the swamp” set piece (the bowing getaway is a nice touch), and a Deliverance homage. The last act of the episode gets especially shaggy and rushed in the “face down the swamp creature” material, but lands in a nice place. Bean proves herself capable and resourceful, thereby making up for her earlier transgression, and earning a little respect and leeway from her dad.

Overall, this isn’t the tightest episode Matt Groening and company have ever presided over, but it’s got some good laughs and puts together a good motivation and mini-arc for Bean, which I appreciate.

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